graphical user interface for setting legend using eco-codes for a given taxon
legend = select_legend_eco (legend, k)
Select or edit a legend using eco-codes for a given taxon, such as 'Animalia' or 'Aves'. The types of codes are coded as
C climate E ecozone H habitat E embryo environment M migration/torpor F food G gender R reproduction
Selections of several codes from a type are possible using keys Ctrl or Shift, see select_ecoCode. The active item is indicated and can be changed with button #. Edit maker specs with button marker and taxon name with button taxon. Edit the sequence with buttons v and ^, insert with >, remove with x.
- legend: optional (n,2)-matrix with markers (5-vector of cells) and eco-codes (cell string)
- taxon: character strin with name of taxon
- legend: (m,2)-matrix with markers (5-vector of cells) and eco-codes (string)
Press any key when done. Calls select_marker to edit markers.
Example of use
legend = select_legend;